Sunday, October 12, 2008

Reply to Response by "Supreme Editorial Dictator" and motion for removal of her "Self-Appointed " position.

Comes now the offended: Matthew Garrett and states the following:
1. Offended parties version, while only only partially accurate, is nonetheless self-serving and he likes it that way!
2. Offended party was asked to "blog", no, more like forced!
3. Offended party did not intentionally give erroneous information-OK, that's not altogether true, either.
4. Offended party is really attracted to the offender; hereafter referred to as, the "offender".
5. Offended party's attraction to the offender makes it impossible for him to win this motion unless he gets to make the decision himself, so at this point he also asks for complete, sole disctetion in rendering a ruling from the "chair of power", which is right in front of this computer.
Therefore, offended party requests that offender be removed from her position as "Supreme Editorial Dictator" because of the unfair advantage perpetuated on the offended party because she's much more attractive than I am AND request for all future "Posts" to be at the sole discretion of the offended party-regardless of accuracy, authenticity or flippenality and that the "Offended" party be given sole discretion in this action.
This motion presented on this 11th day October, 2008. And being solely self-appointed as "Judge, Jury and Executioner, do hereby deem this motion granted in favor of the "Offended" party.
That was easy!
Now, I've just been told that no one will see her post unless I mention to look below this post and read hers. Didn't take long for that order to be violated...


adopting2fromUkraine said...

You must have been really bored today! lol

(Can you tell I just went to Heidi and Felix's blog;)


Twyla, John, Duncan, Mari, and Misha said...


Enjoying your blog. John is asleep, kids are asleep and I am catching up and laughing so hard I could wet my jamies! Be nice, you are both covering all of the important stuff - just in different ways! I loved the video of Anya eating shrimp and the background comments ... is butter nutritional?

Saying a prayer that things keep progressing smoothly and that you will head to Kyiv as planned.

Miss you both,
Most of the Barretts

Anonymous said...

HI guys,

Just catching up a little bit. Congratulations!! Glad to hear things are moving forward. I bet the ballet was awesome. We will keep the prayers coming. See you soon.

Jason & Jen

Joe, Wendy, Graham, Elizabeth and Kolya said...

After the entertainment left (Joe , Graham and Elizabeth)Kolya and I spent alot of time in the room with "Jakoni" the parrott whistling back at him or playing cards on the carpet. The other room we spent time in if the kitchen was cooking and the parrott room heated up or if we watched pirated DVD's. Don't miss that at all! Hang in there guys, your almost done!

Matt and Aimee said...

June,boring would have been an understatement! Matt