Wednesday, September 24, 2008

SDA day

I am typing this for the second time, thanks to Matt who navigated away from the page before I saved it!
We have added more pictures from today and yesterdays sight seeing in Kiev.
Thank you all for reading our blog and posting your comments. It is very good to hear of all those back home praying for us every step of the way. Wendy thanks for the tips on water selection, we did buy some salty, fizzy stuff one day that tasted like sea water. I will look for the lighter blue caps. I think you are right Lisa, the rest of you waiting families are going to fly thru the process with no issues, learning what not to do by our mistakes.
We arrived at our appointment with lots of time to spare so Valentin suggested we go into St. Andrews for a while. We walked in on a wedding in progress. It was beautiful. Lots of singing by the priests and a women's choir. I was scolded by an old women that worked there for taking pictures, but she never noticed Matt video taping. Valentin was very knowledgeable and shared lots of Ukraine's history with us.
The appointment was uneventful, we were shown Anya's photo and file right away. We were asked about when we met her, and when we began the paperwork to adopt her. Then I was asked my age. Somethings are universal, you know I get asked for my hall pass in my girls schools, so why should it be any different in Ukraine. Ukrainian law says adopting parents must be a least 15 years older than the child to be adopted.
Anya' s known history was much what we were previously told. She is healthy except for heart murmur and curvature of her spine, nothing to worry about.
Valentin asked the lady about a second child for us. She agreed to allow us another girl between the ages of 10-16 from Anya's orphanage without another dossier. She spent about 35 minutes looking thru files from the region and found none to show us. So she told Valentin that when we arrive to ask Ludmilla to introduce us to children that meet our criteria, and if we decide to move forward they would send the referral paperwork down to us. This is fine with us, because we will not have to choose from photograph alone.
We will pick up Anya's referral tomorrow at 5:30 then travel to meet our translator Nadiya at train station. We board train for Donetsk about 7pm. Not sure how easily we will find Internet in Mariupol so may be a few days before we can update. We will however make sure to get Anya's reaction to our arrival on film. We are very excited to see her.
Love to you all!


Anonymous said...

Congrats guys on another successful step. It sounds like they are working with you well on the second referal, and we hope and pray it will go smooth. Have fun on the Train!

Clarke and Kris Stoesz

Kari said...

Hi, Guys! That is great that Valentin was able to come into the appt with you. It will be interesting to see where God takes you with a possible second child. How many children are at Anya's orphanage? We'll probably repeat a lot of the same things, like buying the fizzy water, because there is just too much to remember!

Anonymous said...

Hi mom and Matt! I'm glad you guys are stil doing well. Sorry I haven't e-mailed in a while. I haven't been on my e-mail very much lately. I hope everything goes smoothly for you and I hope the train ride isn't too bad. Tell Anya that I say hi and i love her as soon as you see her. I miss you guys and hope to talk to you soon. I love you!

Anonymous said...

hi mommy and matt,
i am very excited that you guys are allowed a second child. it would cool if there was one my age or close to my age that you guys liked. i really hope you guys can find a second child you like.
i love you and i will be praying for you guys.

CavinessAdoption said...

Hi Kids!!

I'm so happy the SDA appt was uneventful. Be thankful, Aimee, that you were asked your age. They could have assumed you were to OLD to adopt rather than guessing you were to young!

Please keep an eye out for us for any 4-8 year olds.

Prayers for a peaceful and unscentful(!) train trip!

Love You Both
Jay and Lisa

Anonymous said...

I remember the first time I saw Aimee and her girls I thought she was one of the girls. What a cross to bear...looking young! Your family is beautiful and will be extremely beautiful with Anya and possibly another daughter! God is multiplying your blessings! We're praying!


Heidi and Felix said...

Great news Aimee and Matt! We too are praying for a great additional referal. I'm glad that they are working with families again. We pray that you find your second child and all goes well.

Felix & Heidi

adopting2fromUkraine said...

Hi I found your blog through finding Kari's.

Congratulations on your referral!

We adopted a 12yo from the Lugansk region. We've been home 5 months.

Hope you enjoy your train ride. Take snacks and drinks with you.


JessicaAlire said...

Hi Guys!!!!

We are so happy you made it there safely - Avery just recognized your picture on the computer!!!! I can't wait to read about your seeing Anya!!! We are so excited for you!!

you will be in our thoughts!!

JessicaAlire said...

Forgot to mention - Good luck on getting another child! It would be so wonderful if you could bring home 2!!!

Jessica, Andre and the kids too!