Saturday, October 4, 2008

Question for any and all

Was getting started on one-way ticket back to the states-Anya's ticket. Anyone know the best direction to take? My plan was to purchase the ticket ASAP on the same flight as our return tickets. I bought ticket insurance on our tickets because I knew they would need changed. It cost $150.00/ticket to insure against a $250.00 ticket change, which I knew would occur. Now, I'm trying to do the same thing with a one-way ticket. My understanding is (and I don't fly, ever) the more in advance, the cheaper the ticket. I want to get it... yesterday! Checking on-line tonight and I didn't realize that most discount ticket providers do not allow/support a purchase of a ticket that originates outside the U.S. What is that all about? Anyway, if anyone is savvy with this sort of thing I need solutions-ASAP! The only flight I found was on United-$3519.00-are you kidding me...
Don't have the energy to "Blog" right now, eyes worn out from ticket research-and way too much "orphan-induced" fun today. Maybe in a few hours when I'm STILL wide awake from all the stupid fireworks that are relentlessly going off-again! It was just about the best day, though...more later.


CavinessAdoption said...


1. Try a round trip ticket originating in Kiev and obviously on the same flight with you two. Just never use the return flight. Round trip flights are often much cheaper than one-way flights.

2. From Wendy when she was there, she went directly to the United/travel agency there in Kiev and it was MUCH cheaper there in person. DO NOT PAY anything over $1200.00.

3. It is also my understanding from Wendy that you can't make that flight reservation until you have Anya's visa. Check on that before you go bonkers with the flight.

Anonymous said...

We did a round trip ticket as well. We searched the internet ourselves, but had much difficulty as you have. We ended up using a local travel agent in Kherson to purchase the ticket. Others have used the Airline themselves in Kiev. I know there was a Lufthansa agent in Kiev. Use your translators’ guidance on when to purchase the ticket, but remember that we almost did not get to make our flight. The Visa can take longer than expected if they have any communication problems with the States. Also the medical results can take longer and you may not get an appointment with the Embassy the same day as the medical appointment. Remember everything is different for everybody, so none of this may apply.

adopting2fromUkraine said...

There are several airline offices in Kiev. Maybe you could try there.

We booked tickets ourselves the first trip, but on the second when we went to pick up our daughter, we used Lonnie Rowland.

Here's his email:

We booked one ways and he got us really good deals. About $500 apiece there and $700 apiece back. And he booked our return tickets, for all three of us, with just a couple of days notice.

I did research several airlines before our first trip. The adoption fare people talk about runs around $1900 for most airlines. Much cheaper than that $3500!


cara said...

This is what we did (but that was three years ago). Try having someone in the US talk to the airlines directly. I had my sister call lufthsaia and it was much cheaper for a one way ticket when the person booking it is in the US- So my sister booked the flight for our 2 year old to come home with us from Kiev, but we still had to go downtown to pay for it. Cara

Tami said...

I don't know if you've figured this all out yet (I just found your blog), but we used a travel agency called 'Golden Rule Travel'. They did an amazing job of finding us cheap tickets at the last minute. They may be able to help you out. They have a website...and are pretty good about getting right back to you.